Transport Manager

Upcoming Driver CPC Reforms

Upcoming Driver CPC Reforms: Enhancements and Flexibility

In 2024 and 2025, the UK government will implement significant changes to the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) to enhance flexibility for professional drivers. Here are the key updates:

Two Types of Driver CPC:

International Driver CPC: Maintains current requirements for driving in the UK and EU, with 35 hours of training every five years.

National Driver CPC: Offers more flexibility, requiring 35 hours of training for UK-only driving, with shorter courses and more e-learning options.

New Options for Expired CPC: From 2025, drivers whose CPC expired within the last two years can take a new 7-hour ‘return to driving’ module to resume driving, followed by additional training.

Consultation for Further Changes:

The government is considering a periodic theory test as an alternative to the 35-hour training every five years.

These reforms aim to make it easier for drivers to stay qualified and return to professional driving while ensuring safety and compliance. For more details, visit the official GOV.UK page.

Transport Training UK Opinion of Driver CPC Changes:

Some of the changes may be positive and it could help some drivers return to driving after a spell working in another field. Our recommendation, however, is to stick to what we know and what we’ve been doing. If you have not driven a large vehicle for a while then a good way of getting back into the saddle is by attending 5 days of CPC training. Meet with other drivers and speak with one of our tutors about job opportunities, changes in the industry and get some refresher training while you’re at it. The cost of training is reasonable and much cheaper than other industries. It shows that you are staying up to date and legal. If there’s a national and international version then you might as well keep up the international option – you never know what’s round the corner and someone may offer you something just too good to refuse. You should be ready. On a recent trip across some European states for a client it was a pleasure to drive in other countries. It’s not really my job but I enjoyed the trip and helping out a great business. I wouldn’t want to take the qualification away that allowed me to do that.

If you need any advice or help regarding driver CPC then get in touch by calling 0333 335 54 35 or emailing and we’ll be happy to help.

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