Transport Manager

Understanding Driver CPC and the Upcoming September 2024 Deadline

As we move through 2024, it’s crucial for professional drivers to pay attention to a significant
deadline approaching in September. On the 9th of September 2024, many Driver Certificate
of Professional Competence (CPC) qualification cards will expire. If you’re a professional
driver, or you employ drivers, this is a critical date to mark on your calendar. Here’s
everything you need to know to ensure compliance and avoid disruptions in your driving

What is Driver CPC?

Driver CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) is a qualification that professional bus,
coach, and lorry drivers must hold in addition to their driving license. Introduced to improve
road safety and maintain high standards of driving, the CPC ensures that drivers are not only
skilled but also knowledgeable about the regulations and responsibilities that come with their

The Importance of the Driver Qualification Card (DQC)

Upon completing the Driver CPC, drivers receive a Driver Qualification Card (DQC). This
card is essential as it proves the holder has completed the necessary training and is
qualified to drive professionally. Without a valid DQC, drivers are legally not permitted to
operate their vehicles for commercial purposes.

The September 9th, 2024 Deadline

Many DQCs are set to expire on September 9th, 2024. This expiration date is particularly
significant because it marks the end of a five-year cycle that many drivers will be familiar
with. To continue driving professionally beyond this date, drivers must ensure their DQC is

How to Renew Your Driver CPC

Renewing your Driver CPC involves completing 35 hours of periodic training every five
years. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the renewal process:

  1. Check Your Expiry Date: First, verify the expiration date on your DQC. If it’s due to
    expire on or around September 9th, 2024, you need to start the renewal process now.
  2. Schedule Your Training: Book your periodic training sessions with an accredited
    training provider. The training covers various modules that focus on safety, efficiency, and
  3. Complete 35 Hours of Training: Ensure you complete the full 35 hours of training.
    This can be spread out over the five years or done in a shorter period, depending on your
  4. Receive Your New DQC: After completing the required training, your new DQC will
    be issued. Keep this card with you whenever you’re driving for work.

Why Renewing on Time is Crucial

Failing to renew your DQC on time can lead to significant consequences:

  • Legal Penalties: Driving without a valid DQC can result in fines and potential legal
  • Employment Disruption: Many employers require a valid DQC as a condition of
    employment. An expired card could mean you’re unable to work.
  • Insurance Issues: Driving without a valid DQC could invalidate your insurance,
    leading to further complications in the event of an accident.

Plan Ahead

To avoid a last-minute rush, it’s advisable to plan your training well in advance. With many
drivers needing to renew at the same time, training providers may be in high demand. Early
booking ensures you secure a spot and complete your training comfortably before the

Final Thoughts

The upcoming September 9th, 2024 deadline for Driver CPC renewal is a vital date for all
professional drivers. By understanding the importance of the DQC, ensuring timely renewal,
and completing the necessary training, you can continue your career without interruptions.
Don’t leave it until the last minute – give us a call on 0333 335 54 35 or email to let us know your Driver CPC needs. Alternatively you can
book by visiting our website at

Stay safe, stay qualified, and keep driving!

Transport Management & Training

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Understanding Driver CPC and the Upcoming September 2024 Deadline

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